About Us

The founding pastor, Father Elford Wankie, in 1985 intended for the newly formed community to be like Saint Joachim and St. Ann, a family of God. This would serve as the basis of our human existence and enterprise in this Garden of Eden for the glory of God. We at the “Little Church in the Woods” have recaptured the founder’s vision and dream and have been intentionally trying to live it here. We gather here as members of the family every weekend or weekdays or anytime.​​

We gather as friends and acquaintances. We gather as faith-people to share all our burdens and joys. We all bring the stories of our life experiences as it happens. The vulnerability is in letting each other know who and what we are that we may understand one another and have compassion and support for each other. The babies of our community are welcomed joyfully and supported. Our celebration of the Eucharist is our joy and sorrow. Jesus becomes so real in our celebration that the table of the altar is the source of our joy and gladness. The sick are called upon and prayed over by the whole community (in the church) and anointed and carried home in our hearts, unceasingly pleading for God’s mercy. The needy are taken care of by providing both spiritual and temporal needs. At the time of death and funeral, there is the solidarity of support in all forms. We continue to stay as one family here, "The Little Church in the Woods". A Family of God based on a foundation since St. Joachim and St. Ann, the dear parents of Mary, our Mother.  

Click here to read an article from Catholicrurallife.org about the rebuilding of our Little Church in the Woods.


Orginial Church Building circa 1985



St. Joachim Parish is a part of the
