The solemn Feast of the Ascension gives us hope beyond hope, unbelievable assurance in life after life --abiding faith in eternal life. From a fulfilling love, that is only possible in the Trinitarian Love. Love that is from God the Father, His only begotten son, Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. After assuring His followers, Jesus, by His abiding presence in his followers makes them know that He is real and He is here and to prepare them to live in faith and lead others to follow Him where He is going, to His Father.
The real life is not here; this life is a journey to eternal life where there is real peace and joy!!!! He is not leaving us as orphans, but He is going to send the Paraclete, the Consoler of Comforter. This feast instills in us a relationship with the Trinity. Love of God is nothing without our relationship with Him and His relationship with us.
This is a foundational spirituality for us as humans to build our relationship with God on this earth. Ideally our old age is an immediate preparation towards transcending from this side of life to the other side!!! How do we humans approach this reality? Why does it appear to be so hard? Because it is not tangible, like material reality!! This difficulty causes a lot of unhappiness and mental and physical struggle in this life on earth. People sadly, leave the spiritual realm and mere exist in the material realm confused, sluggish and just satisfied in the egoistic adventures that brings no solution, but only greater sadness and despair; the results are often suicide!!!
As our Lord Jesus transcended smoothly and gently, leaving us to reflect and follow the path to Heaven. When we look at the life of sages, saints, and other great men and women, who have demonstrated for us this journey, like a moving train that stops nowhere, but amalgamates in Eternal Life. Because the journey of our life on this earth has only this one goal and destiny!!! Not happy Mardi Gras, but Happy Feast of Ascension. It is a happy one, because it assures us that we too will one day transcend to our Heavenly Father and continue a happy Eternal life! This is the feast we celebrate this Sunday!