When you graciously purchase one of the three levels of sponsorship for our annual fundraiser dinner you will receive the following accommodations:
Gold Level Table $800 - seating for 6, courtesy bottles of wine and champagne with glasses, your name on our valued sponsor board, recognition on our website and social media platforms, and FREE advertising in the church bulletin
Silver Level Table $650 - seating for 6, your name on our valued sponsor board, recognition on our website and social media platforms, and FREE advertising in the church bulletin
Bronze Level Table $400 - seating for 6, your name on our valued sponsor board, and recognition on our website and social media platforms
Our Communications Director will reach out to your organization to gather all marketing material for your advertisement after receiving confirmation of purchase.
Please consider donating at one of these levels to help St. Joachim continue to renovate and rejuvenate itself for God's community!